About Us
Crystal Apps is a company focused on high-end virtual, augmented reality, and gaming development and design.
We provide exclusive and refined solutions for marketing, PR, education, and entertainment.
Our experience and wide range of cultivated architecture allow us to direct all the focus on customization and innovation in your business.
Provided services (direct and indirect) for IQOS (Philip Morris), Procter & Gamble, Stella Wines, Carrefour, Ministry of Education, and Ministry of Innovation of Poland.
Crystal Apps is trusted in the European market.
The gaming and marketing solutions we provide for the top-ranked Polish Influencers topped the Google Play charts in the first weeks after release (CyberJunk) in Trending (1st place) and Adventure Games (3rd place, after Pokemon Go and Roblox).

Our goals and values
Precious gem, before it reaches its desirable form, goes through the process of crystallization. The same process applies to newborn ideas. We are here to extract, crystallize and embed your idea into the finest product – a truly refined masterpiece.
Crystallizing ideas is our mission, which drives us through acomplishing great challanges, everyday.
Behind brilliant technology, stands brilliant brain. Human is the element responsible for forging ideas into final product. It’s thanks to Crystal Apps team, that the great projects may exist.
COMPETENCE its a word that describes our enterprise. It manifests itself in the quality of our service and accurate approach to the client and his needs.
Our Business relations are based on CRYSTAL CLEAR rules of cooperation. We form strict schedules, goal lists and transparent system of insight and delivery.
Created innovative solutions have a positive impact on the development of the market of video games, applications and mobile games.
We forge brief plans into great success!
Our Partners

Our Projects
Dive into Virtual World with us!
Crystal Apps is a company focused on high-end virtual, augmented reality, and gaming solutions – for marketing, PR, entertainment and Education.

Polish Scientists. The Game.
Adventure | Education | Mobile
Mobile adventure game addressed to both young and adult users. The game tells a story of a young student starting his first semester in a fantastic Academy of Super-Science.
Commisioned by one of the most famous Polish scientist, journalist and youtuber, Tomasz Rożek (Nauka. To Lubię!)
Funded by Ministry of Education of Poland.

Arcade | Mobile
A 2D survival game. Project developed for one of the top 10 Youtubers from Poland – CyberMarian. Proudly topping the Google Play toplist in the first weeks after release. 1st place in Trending, and 3rd place in Adventure Games (preceded by Pokemon Go and Roblox).
Available on Google Play
Available on Apple Store

Let's make an exhibition
Augmented Reality application that allows users to hang a virtual painting on the walls anywhere they want. After a painting is placed, user can make a screenshot, post it on social media or assign it to his GPS location on a map in the application. Made in Unity for iOS and Android using ARFoundation.
Commisioned by Philip Morris, IQOS.
Available on Google Play
Available on Apple Store

Wukong Dojo VR
Virtual Reality | Oculus Quest
Virtual Reality game that focuses on agility and complex movement mechanics. Project created in Unity 3D environment for Oculus Quest 2 platform.
Oculus Quest Store
Unity 3D
Our Solutions
The use of innovative technologies opens wide possibility for business growth and developement. Improve efficiency, and public image of your company.
Have you ever wondered:
- how to focus the attention of your present, and future clients on your venture?
- stand out on the market and outsmart your competition?
- what unusual and innovative solution can you implement into your business?
If so, you’ve come to the right place.
Crystal Apps offers a number of technological solutions that will meet the needs of your enterprise.

Our Team

Lead Designer

Game Designer
Art Director

Lead Programmer


Let's stay in Touch
- Phone: +48 660 564 005
- Phone: +48 607 166 286
- Email: contact@crystalapps.eu
- Facebook: facebook.com/crystalappsIT
- Address: Warsaw, Żurawia 6/12, nr 431